Aims and Philosophy of EIC
Low cost of attendance
Preference for students / young post docs to give talks
Emphasis on informality, time for discussion, social interaction
Venue, timing and size of meeting
Lecture theatre with capacity around 180
Usually conference attracts 150ish members – varies according to whether BioIron is in the same year and where BioIron is being held
EIC meetings usually held in the first three weeks of September, and duration 2-3days
Ideally the lecture theatre, catering facilities and poster display are all at the same venue
Local organising committee – remit
Venue and catering
IT and audio-visual facilities
Website and financials
Social programme
Scientific committee:
Membership decided by local organisers; suggest it is primarily local scientists with input from 2 or 3 non-local iron researchers – the EIC secretary is very happy to help. The remit of the scientific committee is to set up the conference website, decide on subject areas and individual speakers to invite, to assess and select submitted abstracts for oral or poster presentation, and plan the scientific programme.
A sub-set of committee members can assess oral presentations and posters and award prizes – usually carried out by the EIC secretary.
Development of Scientific Programme
Abstracts: Invite submission from late April to late June, with possibility to extend deadline until early July
Subject areas: To be determined by local organisers, with reference both to traditional and fashionable areas of ongoing iron research
Social Programme
EIC conferences are of short duration but usually there is time allocated for at least one social outing often combined with a Gala dinner – for example: guided tours of Nijmegen at EIC 2011, trip to Mont St Michel at EIC 2012
Aim to reduce costs as much as possible, bearing in mind the philosophy of the EIC to attract young scientists. The EIC will provide Bursaries to eligible young scientists. It has been suggested to have a Senior Bursary also, to allow retired members to attend – this is under discussion. Aside from Bursaries, all costs of running the meeting are borne by the local organising committee, to be met by Registration fees and Sponsorship.